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Workflow error codes

When a scan workflow fails, the admin will receive an email notification. The email may contain one of the following error codes:

Error code

Error message


Barcode recognition has failed.

WPS-DOCUMENT_SEPARATION-9999Document separation has failed.
WPS-EXTERNAL-9999External processing step has failed.
WPS-EXTERNAL-0002External processing step command finished with a nonzero exit code. Contact your vendor to get the API exit code from the logs.
WPS-HIGHLIGHT-9999Recognition of highlighted text has failed.
WPS-OCR-9999OCR processing has failed.
WPS-REDACT-9999Text redaction has failed.
WPS-ZONAL_OCR-9999Zonal OCR has failed.
WPS-BOX-9999Upload of scan files to Box has failed.


Upload of scan files to Dropbox has failed.
WPS-EMAIL-9999The sending of scan files to email has failed.
WPS-EMAIL-0001The client is not authenticated to send e-mails.
WPS-EMAIL-0002The size of the scan job exceeded the size limit of the SMTP server. Check the maximum scan job size setting in the e-mail connector.
WPS-EMAIL-0003The user does not have an email address set in their profile.
WPS-EMAIL-0004Connection refused. Check that the SMTP server is running and is set up correctly.
WPS-EMAIL-0005The concurrent connections limit has been exceeded.
WPS-EXCHANGE-9999The sending of scan files to Exchange has failed.
WPS-EXTENSION-9999An error occurred on the extension connector.
WPS-HPRM-9999An error occurred on the HPE Records Manager connector.
WPS-ONEDRIVE_BUSINESS-9999The upload of scan files to OneDrive has failed.
WPS-ONEDRIVE_BUSINESS_OAUTH2-9999The upload of scan files to OneDrive has failed.
WPS-ONEDRIVE_BUSINESS_OAUTH2-0001The user did not authorize the OneDrive storage.
WPS-SCRIPT-9999An error occurred on the Script connector.
WPS-SHAREPOINT_ONLINE-9999The upload of scan files to SharePoint Online has failed.
WPS-SHAREPOINT_ONLINE_OAUTH2-9999The upload of scan files to SharePoint Online has failed.
WPS-SHAREPOINT_ONLINE_OAUTH2-0001The user did not authorize the SharePoint storage.
WPS-SHAREPOINT_ONLINE_OAUTH2-0003SharePoint site was not found. Check the site name in the SharePoint connector settings.
WPS-SHAREPOINT_ONLINE_OAUTH2-0004SharePoint library was not found. Check the library name in the scan workflow settings.
WPS-CORE-9999The processing of scan files has failed.

The scan job size limit has been reached.

SQ-WPS-9999CloudStream was not able to reach the WPS service.
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.