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RICOH CloudStream Client

RICOH CloudStream Client is a desktop application that can be installed on end user workstations to automatically create print queues and install drivers based on the CloudStream server configuration for a given account.

RICOH CloudStream Client also provides the following features:

  • Serverless direct printing to local printers.
  • Serverless pull printing from embedded clients.
  • Authentication using custom CloudStream login, OpenID Connect workflow, or via session user name.
  • Offline mode: direct printing is available even if there is no connection to the cloud server.
  • Direct offline printing: automatically create direct queues in offline mode for the last used printers.
  • Customized synchronization period.
  • Location-based printer synchronization.
  • Secure TLS channel to CloudStream server with optional use of system certificates and possibility to authorize a specific Client from the CloudStream Web UI.
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