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Embedded Terminals

This section contains guides for configuring all terminals supported in CloudStream. It is divided according to MFD brands. For some brands, there are only terminals that can connect to the cloud via a secondary gateway only. For some brands, there are also terminals that can connect to the cloud directly (pure cloud terminals).

Pure cloud terminals

For pure cloud terminals, the guide for each MFD brand consists of the following sections:

  • Prerequisites
  • Limitations
  • Device setup
  • Cloud Terminal installation

  • Registering the Cloud Terminal in the CloudStream Web UI
  • Adding a printer and Embedded configuration in CloudStream Web UI
  • Post-installation device setup (necessary only for Fujifilm BI)

Terminals that require a secondary gateway

In general, for terminals that require a secondary gateway, the process of installation consists of the following steps:

  1. Do the Secondary Gateway mapping (if not done already).
  2. Add your MFD(s) to CloudStream Web UI. See Printers.
  3. Do the MFD-specific setup. The steps and prerequisites are listed in the guide for each terminal.
  4. Add an embedded configuration in CloudStream Web UI and deploy it to your MFD(s). See Embedded Terminals' configuration.
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