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Card registration at the MFD

If you are a new user of CloudStream and you want to register your card, perform the following steps. If you are an already-existing user who needs to register a new card, follow the same process.

Note that the look of card activation screens may slightly differ, depending on the MFD brand.

  1. Go to the MFD of your choice and place your card on the card reader. The terminal will recognize an unassigned card and prompt you to enter your username and password.

    If you don't have a password assigned to your user account, your administrator can generate a one-time-password for you.

  2. Tap Activate.
  3. You will be logged into the device and the new card will be assigned to your user account.

    If you have assigned to yourself more cards than the allowed amount, the oldest assigned card will be replaced with a new one.

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