RICOH CloudStream API documentation
Public API is accessible on HTTPS port 7300. The base API path is /api/v1
Plain API is accessible on HTTP port 7303 if this option is enabled for the api service.
All functions require an X-API-Key header to be present which holds an API key.
If API key header is missing, an HTTP error 403 (forbidden) is returned.
All functions follow RESTful design. They can return either application/json or application/xml MIME type depending on the Accept header. By default JSON results are returned.
For POST requests they are sent as request body with application/x-www-form-urlencoded type.
Any special characters used to specify a resource name in an API request URL should be percent-encoded following the RFC 3986 standard.
Depending on API key settings a user and/or device token might be required to be provided in the Authorization
HTTP header when calling API endpoints.
API calls expect only ASCII characters in the request URL. Non-ASCII characters should be percent-encoded.